Toscan Essence in the Kitchen



"Villa Petriolo"

Kitchen Tradition

Empolese Valdelsa e Montalbano

Cosa include?

A medieval village, animated by a community proud of its centuries-old values, inherited from the peasant tradition, that will welcome you with enthusiasm, giving you unique moments, during a rich calendar of events and historical re-enactments, for the entire summer period. If you love walking in the countryside here you can do it among the vineyards and olive trees, gazing at breathtaking views of the hills that develop between the Arno and Montalbano.

Daughter of a project by Stefano Pinciaroli and Lorenzo Caponi, the Osteria di Golpaja is a quaint restaurant that represents Tuscany in its essence. Typical dishes that recall the flavors of a rustic land, but lively, colorful, characteristic. It is right here that you can taste the real
Tuscany as it once was, like that of our ancestors; genuine and directed by strong but delicious flavors just like our hilly region.

• Dinner with three-course menu including appetizer, first course with fresh pasta, a second course with side dish, drinks not included.
• Valid for two people at the Osteria di Golpaja in “Villa Petriolo”.

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