Dinner at the Museum of Rural Civilization



"Museo della Civiltà Contadina di Casa d'Erci"

Kitchen Tradition


Cosa include?

Casa d’Erci: Over the years the Erci Group has restored a former farmhouse, already documented in the sixteenth century, located next to a stream among woods and cultivated fields. Over 2000 objects, accompanied by texts and in-depth images, make up an important museum display that reconstructs in its complexity the sharecropping culture between the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. Around the house some annexes now house sections of the museum and a little further downstream, there is a newly built workshop where educational activities and training meetings, exhibitions and seminars are held.

Il “Museo di Casa d’Erci” can be reached along the road to Luco and Grezzano, coming from Borgo San Lorenzo or Scarperia. A special sign indicates the road to reach the house that is located, isolated, in the mountains north of Grezzano. From Grezzano to the museum there are about 1600 m of very narrow road, not accessible by large vehicles. The museum is housed in a former farmhouse located on the banks of the Erci stream in the Giogo-Casaglia regional agricultural-forestry complex. The place is characterized by its environmental and naturalistic qualities.

• • Exclusive dinner in the “Museum of Rural Civilization of Casa d’Erci”, four-course menu with bottle of wine of our selection included, with private chef.
• Valid for two people at the “Museo Casa d’Erci”.

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